UNET JOSS: Journal of Science and Society
in association with ChristianUniversityforAustralia.org.au
Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2023
From the CEO
We are very grateful for the inspiration and work of Dr Ricardo Simeoni in establishing the UNET Journal of Science and Society. Without his initiating proposal and actions, this publication would not have come into being. It was with a degree of sadness in August last year that we received Dr Simeoni's decision to step down from the Editorial leadership of the Journal after his inaugural voluntary two-year service. We are grateful for his ongoing support for our Christian University Initiative. We pray for the Lord's blessing and open doors for his research endeavours associated with Dr Simeoni's new findings about the workings of the human brain as published in the inaugural issue of the Journal.
We are also grateful that Dr Robert Flegg has offered to step into the role of Senior Editor, assisted by the support of Dr Katherine Wallace and Dr Deborah Milham-Scott.
May the Lord continue to inspire others to make valuable, ground breaking and inspiring contributions to this publication in the future.
Paul Truasheim
Editorial Comment
It is with pride that we publish the fourth issue of our journal. It is our aim to present original and innovative peer-reviewed key papers together with thought-provoking and complementary contributions. We all recognise that over the last two centuries the lives of ordinary people have moved from being driven by the tangible daily activities to being surrounded by vastly more esoteric technologies. Throughout much of the world science and society are now intermingled and the trend is advancing at an astounding rate. The challenge is to understand the impact and ramification of this revolution. This distinctive journal offers ........ Read more >>>
Feature Papers (Peer Reviewed)