UNET JOSS: Journal of Science and Society
in association with ChristianUniversityforAustralia.org.au
Volume 3 Issue 2, November 2023
Editorial Comment
This issue offers two articles of interest to the science and education communities. The first is contributed by Dr Robert Flegg who undertook his PhD research in science education at Queensland University of Technology between 1992 and 1997. The article is a revisiting of his research and gives us a glimpse into some of the changes that have occurred over the past thirty years, focussed on how young people are introduced to science and encouraged to pursue it as a career.
Our cover image is an artist’s impression of the rings of the planet Saturn as seen from the inside. They are mostly made up of water ice particles of different sizes. The featured picture is a work by NASA/JPL/University of Colorado and is free to use with modification. This introduces our second article contributed by Fenton Doolan. It presents a new theory about the mysterious spokes that sometimes appear in the rings of Saturn. This makes very interesting reading for those with a desire to gain more understanding of how our magnificent universe works.
This journal offers academic contributors the opportunity to publish their work in a range of fields. It aspires to be balanced and multidisciplinary. We publish a range of contributions from well researched articles through to peer reviewed research papers. We encourage aspiring authors to submit their work for inclusion in our 2024 issues.
Feature Papers
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An alternative explanation of the 'spokes' observed in Saturn's rings
Fenton John Doolan This article presents a new theory about the mysterious spokes that sometimes appear in the rings of Saturn. This makes very interesting reading for those with a desire to gain more understanding of how our magnificent universe works. https://doi.org/10.52042/UNETJOSS030202 Vertical Divider
Pages 5-8